65th Annual Conference of the Mississippi Association of Entomologists, Nematologists, and Plant Pathologists (October 22-23, 2018)
Dear MEA/MAPPAN Members,
The Mississippi Entomological Association Annual meeting was held on October 22–23, 2018. This was a joint meeting with MAPPAN in the Bost Building in Starkville, MS. The conference was once again held in the Bost Building on the Mississippi State Campus. We again had a wonderful industry sponsored steak supper Monday night. Student presentations presentations were held on Monday, and other presentations were given on Tuesday. The awards banquet was held on Tuesday and numerous awards and scholarships were presented! Abstracts of the posters and oral presentations from the meeting will be published in the Midsouth Entomologist.
We look forward to an even bigger conference next year with more students in the competitions! Thanks to everyone who made this a successful conference!
2018 Conference Award Winners